Charitable Remainder Trust: Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Charitable Remainder Trust? A Charitable Remainder Trust is a special tax-exempt irrevocable trust arrangement written to comply with federal tax laws and regulations. You transfer cash or assets (especially appreciated assets) to the trust and may
Abatement of the NJ Amnesty Non-Participation Penalty is Still Possible for Some Taxpayers
The Praxair (Praxair Technology, Inc. v. Director, Div. of Taxation, N.J. App. Div., Docket No. 4-6262-06T3 (Sept. 1, 2010) case involved a taxpayer that received its assessment prior to the start of amnesty. If you receive an assessment after amnesty
Passwords and Estate Planning
The best way to address concerns raised by assets in the electronic age from an estate planning and estate administration perspective is to employ some practical advice: •Each spouse keeps a spreadsheet of Institution Name, Website, Account Number, User Name,
Adult Children Need Estate Planning Too
The greatest fear for any parent is hearing that their child is having a medical emergency. Whether it be a car accident or a physical or mental catastrophe, the parents are immediately notified and rush into action. Did you know