Tax-free Disaster Relief Payment Program
In response to the ongoing pandemic, on March 13, 2020, President Trump declared the coronavirus or COVID-19 as a national disaster. This declaration activates a little-known existing provision of the tax law: Section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 139 allows
Required Minimum Distributions Suspended For Retirement Plans and IRAs For 2020
The bipartisan COVID-19 stimulus bill just signed by President Trump includes welcome tax relief for retirees: The required minimum distribution rules for Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k)s are waived for 2020. That means that instead of taking money out this year, retirees
Quarantine Tips for Tax Savings
There have been many important favorable legal and tax changes over the past 2 weeks. The new laws are the most expensive (the government) tax laws ever passed by the government. In these trying times, we have compiled our top
Changes to Legal Documents in light of the Coronavirus pandemic
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, all clients should immediately review their healthcare-related documents including living will, healthcare proxy, and HIPAA release. Most client advisors are familiar with the need to have a current document that reflects the client’s
US FATCA Enforcement Softens due to Coronavirus
The Internal Revenue Service is giving foreign banks and financial institutions more time to file their forms about U.S. taxpayers with overseas bank accounts and other holdings in compliance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, because of
Planning in the Time of Coronavirus
The coronavirus is an illness that we cannot ignore. Older adults are especially vulnerable and those who have an underlying issue such as diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory conditions. Many such individuals are in a position of responsibility and wealth.
IRS Reduces Administrative Burden (for the first time) of Filing Some Forms 3520 and/or Forms 3520-A
A Revenue Procedure just released by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides U.S. persons an exemption from the information reporting requirements for certain tax-favored foreign retirement and non-retirement savings trusts. Taxpayers who would otherwise be required to file Form
Planning for Dependent (or not Independent) Family Members
One in four Americans has some form of disability. In our law firm’s client base, it is very common to have a family member that is not entirely able to live independently. Even worse, adults with disabilities are living far
The IRS is Assessing Form 3520 Foreign Information Reporting Penalties
The IRS is aggressively sending out IRS Notice CP15 “Notice of Penalty Charge” for the late filing of Form 3520 to report the receipt of a foreign gift or foreign inheritance. The Notice states that a civil penalty has been
2020 New Year’s Tax Planning Resolutions: Resolve To Plan Better
While we all resolve to go to the gym every day and lose weight, we have compiled a list of 2020 New Year’s tax planning resolutions. Beware of 2020 election-year tax uncertainties. It is important to review tax plans and
At the end of 2019, Congress passed the “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement” (SECURE) Act of 2019. The new law, which represents a major overhaul of the rules for retirement plans and IRAs, is effective on January 1,
Are You Ready For New FATCA Enforcement in 2020?
Banks and certain other financial institutions located outside the United States that have U.S. account holders are scrambling to meet a looming IRS deadline. These institutions, known as foreign financial institutions, or FFIs, must achieve full compliance with the U.S.