Tag Archives: voluntary disclosure

Foreign HSBC Bank Customer Avoids Jail: Given Three Years’ Probation

A Wisconsin neurosurgeon convicted of tax charges related to a HSBC bank accounts owned abroad that held $8.76 million was spared prison and ordered to serve three years’ probation, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Arvind Ahuja was sentenced yesterday

Opting Out of the Offshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative Programs

As with other IRS’ 2009 and 2011 offshore voluntary compliance initiatives, the 2012 program gives no discretion to the IRS agents to reduce penalties. If a participant does not believe that he or she should have to pay the 27½%

Bank Leumi: Another Foreign Bank Recommends the IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program

Bank Leumi is urging its U.S. clients to disclose information about their accounts to U.S. authorities investigating Leumi and many other foreign banks over possible tax avoidance by Americans. In a December 16 letter Leumi urged U.S. clients to enter

Benefits and consequences of entering or failing to enter the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative program

Over the past several years our law firm has counseled hundreds of non-compliant U.S. taxpayers in the exploration of their legal options with respect to the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative programs.  As a result, we have succinctly summarized some of

To Opt Out or Not Opt Out: That is the Question

When is it appropriate to make a quiet disclosure vs. making a disclosure through the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program?  This question is not necessarily easy to answer. IRS agents handling OVDI/OVDP cases do not have discretion regarding offshore-related information return